Simple meringue

cook 1h 55m 1h 55m
Portions 10
Simple meringue

At first glance, meringue may seem difficult to prepare and a finicky delicacy. However, this can be easily corrected. It is simply a matter of following the preparation technology, knowing some tips - and you will get practically weightless, crunchy, airy meringues!


  • Egg  2 pcs
  • Powdered sugar  120 g
  • Lemon juice  1 tsp
  • Salt  1 pinch

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Step 1

Preparing Ingredients.
The weight ratio of egg whites to sugar is 1:2 (for every one part of egg whites, use two parts of powdered sugar).

Step 1
Step 2

Break the eggs, separating the whites from the yolks. Separate the whites from the yolks must be very carefully. If even one drop of yolk gets into the whites, they may not whip.
As for the temperature of the whites, they can be either cold or room temperature. However, cold whites are more difficult to whip, so let them warm up a little at room temperature.

Step 2
Step 3

Put the whites in a bowl for whipping. Whites should be beaten in glass or metal utensils, plastic utensils should not be used. The beating utensil and whisk should be clean, dry and grease-free. To degrease the dishes and whiskers, wipe them with a cloth soaked in lemon juice or apple cider vinegar, then wipe dry with a paper kitchen towel.
Add a pinch of salt to the whites.

Step 3
Step 4

Begin beating the whites at the minimum speed of the mixer (we have a 300 watt mixer) until light foam appears. This will take about 40 seconds.

Step 4
Step 5

When the whites are frothy, increase the speed of the mixer, pour in the lemon juice and start pouring in the powdered sugar in portions, about 1-2 tbsp at a time.

Step 5
Step 6

Beat the whites to stiff peaks for another 4-5 minutes. Properly whipped whites form a "beak" on the whisk, which holds its shape well and does not fall off.

Step 6
Step 7

Also well whipped whites stay in the bowl even when you turn it upside down.

Step 7
Step 8

Preheat the oven to 90-100 degrees.
Transfer the protein mass into a pastry syringe or a bag with a nozzle.

Step 8
Step 9

Line the baking tray with parchment and place the meringues at a small distance from each other.

Step 9
Step 10

Send the meringue into an oven heated to 90-100 degrees for about 1-1.5 hours, depending on the specifics of the oven and the size of the meringue. If your oven has a convection mode, turn it on. The meringue should dry well.

Step 10
Step 11

The finished meringue comes off the parchment easily, is weightless and crispy when you break it.

Step 11
Step 12

The finished meringue is served to the table.

Step 12
Step 13

Bon appetit!

Step 13

Long Life


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